USUI Reiki 

Usui​ Reiki training classes involve learning the history and origins of Reiki, the chakra system and guidance in living the principles of Reiki.Each level is a one day class and builds on the next, opening you to higher frequencies of energy and which lead to the Master Teacher class where you learn to attune students and are provided materials to help you teach.

Integrated Energy Therapy

IET training classes are powerful days of self-healing and energy therapy certification training. You will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12 -strand Spiritual DNA  and then learn to heartlink to your angels and use their energy for healing. You will learn how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET integration power points to clear them. Classes are taught by Christine Cartwright and Daniel Lupacchino. Each level is a one day class.


IET Basic Level Certificate

The IET Basic Training Certificate class includes attunement to the Basic IET energy ray that will  activate the 1st and 2nd DNA pairs and will empower you to energize and integrate cellular memory area blocks; location and use of  the IET energy integration power point; introduction to energy Anatomy and the cellular memory map; increase your ability to be an energy intuitive and "read" energy.

Cost $205

Reiki Level II

Receive attunements to higher frequencies of universal energy and enhance your healing work.Learn how to do distance healing, as well as heal mental, emotional, and past life issues.Participants receive a manual and certificate.

Cost: $160

IET Intermediate Level Certificate

The Intermediate training includes attunement to the Intermediate IET energy ray that will activate the 3rd and 4th DNA strand pairs and will empower you to pull energy imprints out of the human energy field; learning to clear energy imprints resulting from past life karma; methods to "esoterically dowse" and interpret the blockages in the human energy field.

Cost: $230

Reiki Master/Teacher Class

Receive the master Symbol and attunement and learn to teach and attune others to all levels of Reiki.This is a one day class with a required internship in assisting in Reiki I and II class. Participants receive an extensive manual with class outlines ,literature and laminated materials .

Cost: $400

Reiki Level 1

Attune to the universal energy in this Level I Usui Reiki class.Participants will learn tradititonal hand positions,how to give a full body treatment session and receive attunement to the universal Reiki Energy for self-healing and healing others.Participants receive a manual, book and certificate.

Cost: $150

IET Advanced Level Certificate

The Advanced training includes attunement to the Advanced IET energy ray which unlocks the 5th DNA pair and activates the energy of your souls purpose; use  of the Heartnet process to manifest your dreams; use of the powerful energy wave to clear resistance; how to build Heartbeams and anchor them into the Earth.

Cost: $230

Master-Instructor Level Integrated Energy Therapy® Training 

The Name Master-Instructor: “Master” refers to the mastery of the IET energy that you will receive in this class which results in the full expansion of the IET energy ray and brings an even stronger level of IET energy through to the practitioner during self-treatment, absentee, and client sessions. Instructor refers to your ability to teach IET classes (including attuning others to the IET energy rays).

Prerequisites: IET Master-Instructor classes are open to any IET student who has completed the IET Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced levels by the time of the class. You don’t have to have been using your previously acquired IET skills in order to take this class. In fact, many students who take this class have little or no practice yet in using their IET skills with others.

This IET Master-Instructor class will greatly empower your ability to Envision, Embrace, and Enact the Energetic Potential of your vision and dreams and bring them alive in the world. By focusing on optimizing your 12 Strand DNA, this class will open your energetic pathways to manifestation and support you in living the life that you are destined to live. This class offers you an opportunity to be in vibrational alignment with your dreams and desires.  In addition to being a wonderfully supportive weekend focused on helping you live your vision in the world, the techniques you will learn in this class will enable you to help family, friends, and clients live their visions as well.

Cost $755